I leave for Florida in 21 days. Twenty-one short days. It seems as if I've been waiting a lifetime for this experience. And my program officially starts in exactly 1 month. I am crazy stressed about packing and making sure everything I need gets to Disney. I made my packing list about 2 weeks ago and tried to see what all I could fit in my bags but I'm still stressing. I'm only taking a suitcase, my backpack, and then a box of my housing stuff.
I've looked up several different packing lists for the DCP and have a fairly good idea of what I'll need while down there, but I'm known for overpacking (I filled an entire large suitcase for 3 days in New Orleans...why?). I just want to take everything with me, which isn't realistic. I found this great link (http://www.pinterest.com/stylebookapp/travel-packing-wardrobe-tips/) that's helpful with packing and organizing for travel. If anyone has any advice for packing a large amount of stuff in a suitcase, please help a sista out.
I talked to my work today about my options since I'm moving to Florida for 5 months. And it went about as good as it possibly could so I'm beyond excited. Everything has been falling into place for me and I couldn't be more thrilled about what the future holds for me.
Running Update: My marathon training starts September 8th. The schedule isn't terrible, I start with only 23 miles a week but I'll go into 40-50 miles per week later in training. My long runs seem manageable too...normally in the 10-16 range with a few 20 milers in there. My biggest concern is running two days in a row every week. I may have to change that up and take some days off. Once again, please send prayers for my body during this 18-week challenge.
My goal is to post weekly on this blog to let everyone know what's going on with my experience working for Disney. If anyone has suggestions about what they want to hear or any questions about working for Disney in general, always feel free to comment. :)
Thanks for reading,
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